All about Winnie The Pooh
Winnie the Pooh, sering diperpendek menjadi Pooh Bear dan sekali disebut sebagai Edward Bear, adalah fiksi bear dibuat oleh AA Milne. The first collection of stories about the character was the book Winnie-the-Pooh (1926), and this was followed by The House at Pooh Corner (1928). Pertama kumpulan cerita tentang karakter adalah buku Winnie the Pooh (1926), dan ini diikuti oleh The House at Pooh Corner (1928). Milne also included a poem about the bear in the children's verse book When We Were Very Young (1924) and many more in Now We Are Six (1927). Milne juga menyertakan puisi tentang mengingatkan anak ayat buku Ketika Kami Were Very Young (1924) dan masih banyak lagi di Sekarang Kami Enam (1927). All four volumes were illustrated by EH Shepard . Semua empat volume yang digambarkan oleh EH Shepard.
The hyphens in the character's name were later dropped when The Walt Disney Company
adapted the Pooh stories into a series of Winnie the Pooh featurettes
that became one of the company's most successful franchises worldwide:
see Winnie the Pooh (Disney) . The hyphens dalam karakter nama itu kemudian jatuh ketika The Walt Disney Company
Pooh cerita yang diadaptasi ke dalam rangkaian Winnie the Pooh
featurettes yang menjadi salah satu perusahaan paling sukses di seluruh
dunia waralaba: lihat Winnie the Pooh (Disney).
The Pooh stories have been translated into many languages, notably including Alexander Lenard 's Latin translation, Winnie ille Pu , which was first published in 1958, and, in 1960, became the first foreign-language book to be featured on the New York Times Best Seller List , and is the only book in Latin ever to have been featured therein. The Pooh cerita telah diterjemahkan ke dalam berbagai bahasa, terutama termasuk Alexander Lenard's Latin translation, Winnie Ille Pu, yang pertama kali diterbitkan pada tahun 1958, dan pada tahun 1960, menjadi yang pertama bahasa asing-buku yang akan diulas di New York Times Best Seller List, dan merupakan satu-satunya buku dalam bahasa Inggris.
Origin Asal
Milne named the character Winnie-the-Pooh after a teddy bear owned by his son, Christopher Robin Milne , who was the basis for the character Christopher Robin . Milne bernama karakter Winnie-the-Pooh after a teddy dimiliki oleh anaknya, Christopher Robin Milne, yang merupakan dasar untuk karakter Christopher Robin. His toys also lent their names to most of the other characters, except for Owl and Rabbit , as well as the Gopher character, who was added in the Disney version. Mainan-Nya nama-nama mereka juga dipinjamkan ke sebagian besar karakter lainnya, kecuali untuk Owl dan Rabbit, serta menggali karakter, yang telah ditambahkan di versi Disney. Christopher Robin's toy bear is now on display at the Main Branch of the New York Public Library in New York . [ 1 ] Christopher Robin's bear mainan sekarang yang terkenal di Cabang Utama dari New York Perpustakaan di New York. [1]Christopher Milne had named his toy bear after Winnie , a bear which he often saw at London Zoo , and "Pooh", a swan they had met while on holiday. Christopher Milne bernama dia telah melahirkan mainan setelah Winnie, seorang yang menanggung dia sering melihat di London Zoo, dan "Pooh", sebuah swan mereka bertemu pada saat liburan. The bear cub was purchased from a hunter for $20 by Canadian Lieutenant Harry Colebourn in White River, Ontario , Canada , while en-route to England during the First World War. Melahirkan anak yang dibeli dari pemburu seharga $ 20 oleh Kanada Letnan Harry Colebourn di White River, Ontario, Kanada, sementara id-rute ke Inggris selama Perang Dunia Pertama. He named the bear "Winnie" after his hometown in Winnipeg , Manitoba. Dia bernama yang menanggung "Winnie" after his hometown di Winnipeg, Manitoba. "Winnie" was surreptitiously brought to England with her owner, and gained unofficial recognition as The Fort Garry Horse regimental mascot. "Winnie" diam-diam telah dibawa ke Inggris dengan pemilik, tidak resmi dan mendapatkan pengakuan sebagai The Fort Garry Horse resimen jimat. Colebourne left Winnie at the London Zoo while he and his unit were in France; after the war she was officially donated to the zoo, as she had become a much loved attraction there. [ 2 ] Pooh the swan appears as a character in its own right in When We Were Very Young . Winnie Colebourne kiri di London Zoo sementara dia dan unit berada di Perancis, setelah perang dia resmi disumbangkan ke kebun binatang, karena dia menjadi lebih mencintai atraksi di sana. [2] swan Pooh yang muncul sebagai karakter dalam sendiri kanan di Ketika Kami Were Very Young.
In the first chapter of Winnie-the-Pooh , Milne offers this explanation of why Winnie-the-Pooh is often called simply "Pooh": "But his arms were so stiff ... they stayed up straight in the air for more than a week, and whenever a fly came and settled on his nose he had to blow it off. And I think — but I am not sure — that that is why he is always called Pooh." Pada bab pertama dari Winnie the Pooh, Milne ini menawarkan penjelasan mengapa Winnie the Pooh ini sering disebut hanya "Pooh": "Tetapi ia lengan sangat kaku ... mereka tinggal lurus di atas udara selama lebih dari satu minggu, dan setiap kali terbang yang datang dan menetap pada hidung dia harus meniup keluar. Dan saya pikir - tetapi saya tidak yakin - bahwa itulah sebabnya dia selalu disebut Pooh. "
Crotchford Farm, Milnes' home in Ashdown Forest in East Sussex , England , was the basis for the setting of the Winnie-the-Pooh stories. Crotchford Farm, Milnes' di rumah Ashdown Hutan di East Sussex, Inggris, merupakan dasar untuk pengaturan dari Winnie the Pooh cerita. The name of the fictional " Hundred Acre Wood " is reminiscent of the Five Hundred Acre Wood, which lies just outside Ashdown Forest and includes some of the locations mentioned in the book, such as the Enchanted Place. [ 3 ] Nama fiksi "Hundred Acre Wood" adalah mengingatkan dari Lima Hundred Acre Wood, yang hanya terletak di luar Ashdown Hutan dan termasuk beberapa lokasi yang disebutkan dalam buku, seperti Enchanted Place. [3]
The origin of the Poohsticks game is at the footbridge across a tributary of the River Medway near Upper Hartfield, close to the Milnes' home at Posingford Farm. Asal yang Poohsticks adalah permainan di titian di sebuah upeti dari Sungai Medway dekat Upper Hartfield, dekat dengan Milnes' di rumah Posingford Farm. It is traditional to play the game there using sticks gathered in nearby woodland. Ianya tradisional menjalankan permainan di sana menggunakan sticks berkumpul di dekat daerah berhutan. When the footbridge required replacement in recent times the engineer designed a new structure based closely on the drawings (by EH Shepherd) of the bridge in the original books, as the bridge did not originally appear as the artist drew it. Bila diperlukan penggantian titian dalam beberapa kali dirancang insinyur struktur baru berbasis erat pada gambar (oleh EH Gembala) dari jembatan di buku asli, karena jembatan tidak awalnya muncul sebagai seniman drew it. There is an information board at the bridge which describes aspects of how to play the game. Ada informasi di papan jembatan yang menjelaskan aspek cara menjalankan permainan.
First Publication Pertama Publikasi
There are three claimants, depending on the precise question posed. Terdapat tiga claimants, tergantung tepat pertanyaan posed. Christopher Robin's teddy bear, Edward, made his character début in a poem in Milne's book of children's verse When We Were Very Young (1924). Christopher Robin's teddy, Edward, dibuat-Nya debut karakter dalam puisi di Milne dari buku anak-anak dari ayat Apabila Kami Were Very Young (1924). Winnie-the-Pooh first appeared by name on 24 December 1925, in a Christmas story commissioned and published by the London newspaper The Evening News . Winnie the Pooh oleh nama pertama muncul pada tanggal 24 Desember 1925, dalam sebuah cerita Natal dan meminta diterbitkan oleh surat kabar London The Evening News. It was illustrated by JH Dowd. [ 4 ] The first collection of Pooh stories appeared in the book Winnie-the-Pooh . Ia digambarkan oleh JH Dowd. [4] Yang pertama kumpulan cerita Pooh muncul di dalam buku Winnie the Pooh. The Evening News Christmas story reappeared as the first chapter of the book, and at the very beginning it explained that Pooh was in fact Christopher Robin's Edward Bear, who had simply been renamed by the boy. The Evening News cerita Natal yang pertama muncul sebagai bab dari buku, dan pada awal ia menjelaskan bahwa sebenarnya telah Pooh Christopher Robin's Edward Bear, yang hanya telah diganti oleh anak. The book was published in October 1926 by the publisher of Milne's earlier children's work, Methuen , in England, and EP Dutton in the United States [ 5 ] . Buku itu diterbitkan pada bulan Oktober 1926 oleh penerbit yang sebelumnya Milne dari anak-anak bekerja, Methuen, di Inggris, dan EP Dutton di Amerika Serikat [5].In January 2009 it was announced that David Benedictus, a novelist who has written some "Pooh" dramatisations, had received approval from the estates of AA Milne and EH Shepherd to write a sequel to the stories: Return to the Hundred Acre Wood will be published simultaneously in Britain and the US on 5 October 2009. Pada Januari 2009 ia mengumumkan bahwa Daud Benedictus, seorang novelis yang telah menulis beberapa "Pooh" dramatisations, telah menerima persetujuan dari perkebunan dari AA Milne dan EH Gembala untuk menulis sequel ke cerita: Kembali ke Hundred Acre Wood akan dipublikasikan secara bersamaan di Inggris dan Amerika Serikat pada tanggal 5 Oktober 2009. The pictures will be from children's illustrator Mark Burgess. [ 6 ] Gambar akan anak-anak dari ilustrator Mark Burgess. [6]
Stephen Slesinger Stephen Slesinger
On Jan. 6, 1930, Stephen Slesinger purchased US and Canadian merchandising, television, recording and other trade rights to the "Winnie-the-Pooh" works from Milne for a $1000 advance and 66% of Slesinger's income, creating the modern licensing industry. On Jan 6, 1930, Stephen Slesinger dibeli Amerika Serikat dan Kanada merchandising, televisi, rekaman dan perdagangan hak atas "Winnie the Pooh" karya Milne dari $ 1000 untuk maju dan 66% dari pendapatan Slesinger, menciptakan industri yang modern lisensi . By Nov. 1931, Pooh was a $50 million-a-year business. [ 7 ] Slesinger marketed Pooh and his friends for more than 30 years, creating the first Pooh doll, record, board game, puzzle, US radio broadcast (NBC), animation and motion picture film [ 8 ] . Oleh Nov 1931, Pooh adalah $ 50 juta-a-tahun usaha. [7] Slesinger dipasarkan Pooh dan teman-temannya untuk lebih dari 30 tahun, menciptakan pertama Pooh doll, catatan, papan permainan, puzzle, US radio (NBC) , film animasi dan film [8]. In 1961, Disney acquired rights from Slesinger to produce articles of merchandise based on characters from its feature animation. Pada tahun 1961, Disney diperoleh dari hak Slesinger untuk memproduksi barang dagangan artikel berdasarkan karakter dari fitur animasi.Red Shirt Pooh Red Shirt Pooh
The first time Pooh and his friends appeared in color was 1932, when he was drawn by Slesinger in his now-familiar red shirt and featured on an RCA Victor picture record. Parker Brothers also introduced AA Milne's Winnie-the-Pooh Game in 1933, again with Pooh in his red shirt. Pertama kalinya Pooh dan teman-temannya muncul dalam warna yang tahun 1932, ketika dia diambil oleh Slesinger dalam sekarang akrab-shirt merah dan fitur pada RCA Victor merekam gambar. Parker Brothers juga diperkenalkan AA Milne's Winnie the Pooh permainan di 1933, lagi dengan Pooh dalam baju merah. In the 1940s, Agnes Brush created the first plush dolls with Pooh in his red shirt. Pada tahun 1940-an, Agnes Brush pertama dibuat mewah dengan boneka Pooh dalam baju merah.Disney Disney
After Slesinger's death in 1953, his wife, Shirley Slesinger Lasswell , continued developing the character herself. Setelah kematian Slesinger di 1953, istrinya, Shirley Slesinger Lasswell, terus mengembangkan karakter dirinya. In 1961, she licensed rights to Walt Disney Productions in exchange for royalties in the first of two agreements between Stephen Slesinger, Inc. and Disney. [ 9 ] The same year, Daphne Milne also licensed certain rights, including motion picture rights, to Disney. Pada tahun 1961, dia diberikan hak untuk Walt Disney Productions untuk pertukaran di dalam royalti yang pertama dari dua perjanjian antara Stephen Slesinger, Inc dan Disney. [9] Pada tahun yang sama, Daphne Milne juga diberikan hak-hak tertentu, termasuk film hak untuk Disney .Since 1966, Disney has released numerous animated productions starring Winnie the Pooh and related characters. Sejak 1966, Disney telah merilis sejumlah animasi produksi bintangi Winnie the Pooh dan karakter terkait. These have included theatrical featurettes , television series, and direct-to-video films, as well as the theatrical feature-length films The Tigger Movie , Piglet's Big Movie , and Pooh's Heffalump Movie . Ini termasuk sandiwara featurettes, seri televisi, dan direct-to-video film, serta teater fitur panjang film-film The Tigger, Piglet's Big Movie, dan Pooh's Heffalump Movie.
In December 2005, Disney announced a Disney Channel animated television series , My Friends Tigger & Pooh , focusing on adventures had by 6-year-old Darby and the Pooh characters, with the occasional appearance from Christopher Robin . [ 10 ] The show was cancelled after two seasons. Pada Desember 2005, Disney mengumumkan Disney Channel serial televisi animasi, My Friends Tigger & Pooh, dengan fokus pada petualangan yang dimiliki 6 tahun dan Darby the Pooh karakter, kadang-kadang dengan tampilan dari Christopher Robin. [10] Pertunjukan dibatalkan setelah dua musim.
The Disney version of Winnie the Pooh was featured in Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue , the Kingdom Hearts videogames and the TV series House of Mouse Yang versi Disney Winnie the Pooh telah diulas dalam Kartun All-Stars ke Rescue, the Kingdom Hearts Video dan TV series House of Mouse
Pooh also appears at Walt Disney Parks and Resorts as a meet-able and child friendly character. Pooh juga muncul di Taman dan Walt Disney Resorts sebagai memenuhi-anak mampu dan ramah karakter.
Merchandising revenue dispute Merchandising pendapatan sengketa
Pooh videos, teddy bears , and other merchandise generate substantial annual revenues for Disney. Pooh video, teddy bears, dan barang lainnya menghasilkan pendapatan tahunan besar untuk Disney. The size of Pooh stuffed toys ranges from Beanie and miniature to human-sized. Ukuran Pooh mainan boneka berkisar antara Beanie dan miniatur untuk ukuran manusia. In addition to the stylized Disney Pooh, Disney markets Classic Pooh merchandise which more closely resembles EH Shepard's illustrations. Di samping bergaya Disney Pooh, Disney Classic Pooh pasar barang dagangan yang lebih mirip EH Shepard's ilustrasi. It is estimated that Winnie the Pooh features and merchandise generate as much revenue as Mickey Mouse , Minnie Mouse , Donald Duck , Goofy , and Pluto combined. [ 11 ] Hal ini diperkirakan Winnie the Pooh fitur dan barang menghasilkan pendapatan sebesar seperti Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, dan Pluto gabungan. [11]In 1991, Stephen Slesinger, Inc. filed a lawsuit against Disney which alleged that Disney had breached their 1983 agreement by again failing to accurately report revenue from Winnie the Pooh sales. Pada tahun 1991, Stephen Slesinger, Inc filed terhadap suatu perkara yang diduga Disney Disney yang telah mereka breached oleh perjanjian 1983 tidak akurat lagi laporan pendapatan dari penjualan Winnie the Pooh. Under this agreement, Disney was to retain approximately 98% of gross worldwide revenues while the remaining 2% was to be paid to Slesinger. Di bawah perjanjian ini, Disney adalah untuk menyimpan sekitar 98% dari pendapatan kotor seluruh dunia sedangkan sisanya 2% yang akan dibayarkan ke Slesinger. In addition, the suit alleged that Disney had failed to pay required royalties on all commercial exploitation of the product name. [ 12 ] Though the Disney corporation was sanctioned by a judge for destroying forty boxes of evidential documents, [ 13 ] the suit was later terminated by another judge when it was discovered that Slesinger's investigator had rummaged through Disney's garbage in order to retrieve the discarded evidence. [ 14 ] Slesinger appealed the termination, and on September 26 , 2007 , a three-judge panel upheld the lawsuit dismissal. [ 15 ] Selain itu, sesuai dugaan bahwa Disney telah gagal membayar royalti diperlukan pada semua eksploitasi komersial dari nama produk. [12] Meskipun Disney korporasi adalah sanksi oleh seorang hakim untuk menghancurkan empat puluh kotak yang berdasar atas kenyataan dokumen, [13] yang sesuai kemudian dihentikan oleh hakim lain ketika ia menemukan bahwa Slesinger dari penyidik telah rummaged melalui Disney sampah untuk mengambil bukti dibuang. [14] Slesinger memohon pada penghentian, dan pada September 26, 2007, tiga hakim di panel upheld aksi pemecatan. [ 15]
After the Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act of 1998, Clare Milne, Christopher Milne's daughter, attempted to terminate any future US copyrights for Stephen Slesinger, Inc. [ 16 ] After a series of legal hearings, Judge Florence-Marie Cooper of the United States District Court for the Central District of California found in favor of Stephen Slesinger, Inc., as did the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit . Setelah Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act 1998, Clare Milne, Christopher Milne's daughter, berusaha untuk menghentikan apapun di masa depan US hak cipta untuk Stephen Slesinger, Inc [16] Setelah serangkaian hukum sidang, Hakim Florence-Marie Cooper dari Amerika Serikat Pengadilan distrik di Central District of California ditemukan di favor Stefanus Slesinger, Inc, seperti yang telah Amerika Serikat Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. On June 26, 2006, the US Supreme Court refused to hear the case, sustaining the ruling and ensuring the defeat of the suit. [ 17 ] Pada tanggal 26 Juni 2006, Mahkamah Agung AS menolak untuk mendengar kasus ini, mempertahankan yang memerintah dan memastikan kekalahan yang sesuai. [17]
On February 19 , 2007 , it was reported Disney lost a court case in Los Angeles which ruled their "misguided claims" to dispute the licensing agreements with Slesinger, Inc. were unjustified. [ 18 ] Pada Februari 19, 2007, ia dilaporkan hilang Disney kasus pengadilan di Los Angeles yang memerintah mereka "klaim sesat" untuk sengketa yang perjanjian lisensi dengan Slesinger, Inc itu tdk tepat. [18]
In doing so, the claims by Slesinger, Inc. can now be tackled without any argument over who owns the rights. Dengan demikian, klaim oleh Slesinger, Inc kini dapat tackled tanpa melalui argumen yang memiliki hak. Though the ruling was downplayed by a Disney attorney, the outcome of the case could affect Disney's revenue, since Pooh-related merchandise has been reported to bring the Walt Disney Company approximately 1 billion dollars a year. [ 19 ] Meskipun telah memerintah downplayed oleh Disney pengacara, hasil kasus dapat mempengaruhi pendapatan Disney, sejak Pooh yang berhubungan dengan barang dagangan telah dilaporkan ke membawa Walt Disney Company sekitar 1 milyar dollar setahun. [19]
Adaptations Adaptasi
Theatre Teater
- Winnie-the-Pooh at the Guild Theater | Sue Hastings Marionettes 1931 [ 20 ] Winnie the Pooh di Guild Theater | Sue Hastings Marionettes 1931 [20]
- " Bother! The Brain of Pooh " | Peter Dennis 1986 "Bother! The Brain dari Pooh" | Peter Dennis 1986
Audio Audio
Unabridged recordings read by Peter Dennis of the four Pooh books: Unabridged rekaman dibaca oleh Peter Dennis Pooh dari empat buku:- When We Were Very Young Ketika Kami Were Very Young
- Winnie-the-Pooh Winnie the Pooh
- Now We Are Six Kami sekarang Enam
- The House at Pooh Corner The House at Pooh Corner
Radio Radio
- Winnie-the-Pooh was broadcast by Donald Calthrop over all BBC stations on Christmas Day, 1925 [ 21 ] Winnie the Pooh telah disiarkan oleh Donald Calthrop atas segala BBC stasiun pada hari Natal, 1925 [21]
- Pooh made his US radio debut on Nov. 10, 1932, when he was broadcast to 40,000 schools by the American School of the Air , the educational division of the Columbia Broadcasting System . [ 22 ] Pooh dibuat-Nya US radio debut di Nov 10, 1932, ketika ia menyiarkan ke 40.000 sekolah di American School of Air, divisi pendidikan dari Columbia Broadcasting System. [22]
Television Televisi
A version of Winnie The Pooh , in which the animals were played by marionettes, was presented on Oct. 3, 1960, on NBC Television's The Shirley Temple Show . J versi Winnie the Pooh, di mana hewan yang dimainkan oleh marionettes, yang disajikan pada Oct 3, 1960, di NBC Televisi's The Shirley Temple Tampilkan.Five playtime videos (NOTE: These are episodes from The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh ) Lima permainan video (CATATAN: Ini adalah episode dari The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh)
- 2003: Cowboy Pooh 2003: Cowboy Pooh
- 2003: Detective Tigger 2003: Detective Tigger
- 2004: Pooh Party 2004: Partai Pooh
- Fun 'N Games Fun 'N Video
Full-length features Fitur lengkap
- 1977: The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (trilogy of the Honey Tree , Blustery Day , and Tigger Too! ) 1977: The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (trilogi dari Honey Tree, Hari kencang, dan Tigger Too!)
- 1985: Winnie the Pooh and Friends (re-release of Day for Eeyore with additional shorts) 1985: Winnie the Pooh dan Teman (kembali rilis Hari Eeyore dengan tambahan celana pendek)
- 1997: Pooh's Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin 1997: Pooh's Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin
- 1999: Winnie the Pooh: Seasons of Giving * † 1999: Winnie the Pooh: Seasons dari Memberikan * †
- 2000: The Tigger Movie 2000: The Movie Tigger
- 2002: Winnie the Pooh: A Very Merry Pooh Year * † 2002: Winnie the Pooh: A Very Merry Pooh Tahun * †
- 2003: Piglet's Big Movie 2003: Piglet's Big Movie
- 2004: Winnie the Pooh: Springtime with Roo † 2004: Winnie the Pooh: musim semi dengan Roo †
- 2005: Pooh's Heffalump Movie 2005: Pooh's Heffalump Movie
- 2005: Pooh's Heffalump Halloween Movie * † 2005: Pooh's Heffalump Movie Halloween * †
† These features were Direct-to-video . Fitur-fitur yang † langsung ke video.
Television shows Televisi menunjukkan
- Welcome to Pooh Corner ( The Disney Channel , 1983-1986) Selamat datang di Pooh Corner (The Disney Channel, 1983-1986)
- The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh ( American Broadcasting Company , 1988-1991) The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (American Broadcasting Company, 1988-1991)
- The Book of Pooh (Disney Channel, 2001-2002) Buku Pooh (Disney Channel, 2001-2002)
- My Friends Tigger & Pooh (Disney Channel, 2007-present) My Friends Tigger & Pooh (Disney Channel, 2007-sekarang)
- 1991: Winnie the Pooh and Christmas Too 1991: Winnie the Pooh dan Natal Terlalu
- 1996: Boo! 1996: Boo! To You Too! Untuk Anda Terlalu! Winnie the Pooh , included in " Pooh's Heffalump Halloween Movie " Winnie the Pooh, termasuk dalam "Pooh's Heffalump Movie Halloween"
- 1998: A Winnie the Pooh Thanksgiving , included in " Winnie the Pooh: Seasons of Giving " 1998: J Winnie the Pooh Thanksgiving, termasuk dalam "Winnie the Pooh: Seasons dari Pemberian"
- 1998: Winnie the Pooh: A Valentine For You , included in " The Book of Pooh: A Valentine for Eeyore " 1998: Winnie the Pooh: A Valentine For You, termasuk dalam "The Book of Pooh: A Valentine untuk Eeyore"
In the Soviet Union , three Winnie-the-Pooh, or "Vinni Pukh" ( Russian language : Винни-Пух ) stories were made into a celebrated trilogy [ 23 ] of short films by Soyuzmultfilm (directed by Fedor Khitruk ) from 1969 to 1972. Di Uni Soviet, tiga Winnie the Pooh, atau "Vinni Pukh" (bahasa Rusia: Винни-Пух) cerita dibuat menjadi dirayakan trilogi [23] dari film pendek oleh Soyuzmultfilm (diarahkan oleh Fedor Khitruk) 1969-1972 . Pooh was voiced by Yevgeny Leonov , looking distinctly different from both the yellow-and-red Disney incarnation and Shepard's illustrations. Pooh adalah Salah Yevgeny Leonov, cari khas yang berbeda dari kedua kuning dan merah dan Shepard Disney jelmaan dari ilustrasi. He was brown instead of yellow, as he is known in the US. Dia coklat, bukan kuning, karena ia dikenal di Amerika Serikat.
Video games Video games
- DDR Winnie the Pooh DDR Winnie the Pooh
- Kingdom Hearts series Kingdom Hearts series
- Piglet's Big Game Piglet's Big Game
- Pooh & Tigger's Hunny Safari Pooh & Tigger's Hunny Safari
- Ready To Read With Pooh Untuk siap Baca Dengan Pooh
- Winnie the Pooh Adventures Winnie the Pooh Adventures
- Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood Winnie the Pooh di Hundred Acre Wood
- Winnie the Pooh Kindergarten Winnie the Pooh TK
- Winnie the Pooh Pre-School Winnie the Pooh Pra Sekolah
- Winnie the Pooh's Party Games: In Search of the Treasure Winnie the Pooh's Party Games: Dalam dari Treasure
- Winnie the Pooh's Rumbly Tumbly Adventure Winnie the Pooh's Rumbly Tumbly Adventure
- Winnie the Pooh: Tigger's Honey Hunt Winnie the Pooh: Tigger's Honey Hunt
References in other media Referensi di media lain
This section is in a list format that may be better presented using prose . You can help by converting this section to prose, if appropriate . Editing help is available. (April 2009) Bagian ini adalah dalam format daftar yang mungkin lebih baik menggunakan disajikan prosa. Anda dapat membantu dengan mengkonversi bagian ini untuk prosa, jika sesuai. Bantuan yang tersedia. (April 2009) |
- Winnie-the-Pooh is such a popular character in Poland that a Warsaw street is named after him, " Ulica Kubusia Puchatka ." Winnie the Pooh adalah suatu karakter yang populer di Polandia bahwa Warsawa jalan yang dinamai setelah dia, "Ulica Kubusia Puchatka." There is also a street named after him in Budapest (Micimackó utca). [ 24 ] Terdapat pula jalan bernama setelah dia di Budapest (Micimackó utca). [24]
- In The Hums of Pooh , Harold Fraser-Simson set to music several of Milne's poems and the verses sung by Pooh in the original books. In The Hums dari Pooh, Harold Fraser-Simson mengatur musik Milne dari beberapa puisi dan ayat-ayat yang dinyanyikan oleh Pooh dalam buku aslinya.
- In the "sport" of Poohsticks , competitors drop sticks into a stream from a bridge and then wait to see whose stick will cross the finish line first. Dalam "olahraga" yang Poohsticks, kompetitor terjatuh ke dalam sungai sticks dari jembatan dan kemudian menunggu untuk melihat tongkat yang akan menyeberangi sempadan pertama. Though it began as a game played by Pooh and his friends in the stories, it has crossed over into the real world: a World Championship Poohsticks race takes place in Oxfordshire each year. Walaupun dimulai sebagai sebuah permainan yang dimainkan oleh Pooh dan teman-temannya di dalam cerita, ia telah melewati atas ke dunia nyata: Kejuaraan Dunia Poohsticks ras berlangsung di Oxfordshire setiap tahun.
- The Tao of Pooh and The Te of Piglet by Benjamin Hoff use Milne's characters in an effort to explain Taoism in an accessible way. The Tao of Pooh dan The Te of Piglet oleh Benjamin Hoff menggunakan Milne dari karakter dalam usaha untuk menjelaskan Taoisme di sebuah jalan yang dapat diakses.
- In December 2000, a Canadian medical journal jokingly "diagnosed" characters in the books and films with various mental illnesses, eg Winnie the Pooh shows signs of obsessive-compulsive disorder , Tigger shows signs of ADHD etc. [ 25 ] Pada Desember 2000, sebuah jurnal medis Kanada secara berkelakar "didiagnosis" karakter dalam buku dan film-film dengan berbagai penyakit mental, misalnya Winnie the Pooh menunjukkan tanda-diwajibkan obsessive disorder, Tigger menunjukkan tanda-tanda ADHD dll [25]
- In the Polish translation, by Irena Tuwim, Pooh was called Kubuś Puchatek (Jacob the Pooh), because using a woman's name for a male bear would have been too controversial. Dalam Polandia translation, oleh Irena Tuwim, Pooh disebut Kubuś Puchatek (Yakub the Pooh), karena seorang wanita yang menggunakan nama untuk laki-laki yang akan melahirkan telah terlalu kontroversial.
- A number of philosophical books have been written about Winnie the Pooh - Postmodern Pooh and The Pooh Perplex by Frederick Crews rewrite stories from Pooh's world in abtruse academic jargon (from a number of sources including postmodernism , psychoanalysis and so on) for the purpose of satire [1] . Pooh and the Philosophers by John T. Williams uses Winnie the Pooh as a backdrop to illustrate the works of philosophers including Descartes, Kant, Plato and Nietzsche [2] . Sejumlah filosofis buku telah ditulis tentang Winnie the Pooh - Postmodern Pooh dan The Pooh memperkusut oleh Frederick Crews menulis ulang cerita dari Pooh di dunia akademik abtruse prokem (dari sejumlah sumber termasuk postmodernism, psikoanalisa dan sebagainya) untuk tujuan sindiran [1]. Pooh dan filosof oleh John T. Williams menggunakan Winnie the Pooh sebagai latar belakang untuk mengilustrasikan karya filosof termasuk Descartes, Kant, Plato dan Nietzsche [2].
- Not everyone was a fan of the original stories. Dorothy Parker in particular was critical of what she considered AA Milne 's "dumbing down of English for children", a criticism she had for many other children's book authors as well. Tidak semua orang adalah seorang penggemar cerita-cerita yang asli. Dorothy Parker khususnya penting dari apa yang telah ia dianggap AA Milne 's "dumbing down dari Inggris untuk anak-anak", sebuah kritikan dia untuk banyak penulis buku anak-anak juga. In her pseudonym as Constant Reader in the New Yorker magazine she made one of her most famous barbs when she, while reviewing one of the stories, wrote, "and it is precisely at that word, 'hunny' that Tonstant Weader fwowed up." Dalam nama sanaran sebagai Konstan Reader di New Yorker majalah dia membuat satu dari barbs paling terkenal ketika dia, saat meninjau salah satu cerita, menulis, "dan itu yang tepat pada kata, 'hunny' yang Tonstant Weader fwowed atas."
- In the 2007 DreamWorks film Bee Movie , Winnie-the-Pooh and Piglet are seen in a scene where Pooh is tranquilized. Pada 2007 DreamWorks film Bee Movie, Winnie the Pooh dan Piglet akan dilihat dalam adegan dimana Pooh adalah tranquilized. His "hunny" jar is then confiscated. Nya "hunny" jar kemudian sitaan.
- The introduction to the Mike Heron song "Little Cloud" (on The Incredible String Band 's LP The 5000 Spirits or the Layers of the Onion ) is a direct quote of the first two lines of Pooh's song "How sweet to be a cloud" in Chapter One of Winnie-The-Pooh . Pengenalan kepada Mike Heron lagu "Little Cloud" (di The Incredible String Band 's LP The Spirits 5000 atau Layers dari Onion) adalah kutipan langsung dari dua baris pertama Pooh's song "Bagaimana manis menjadi awan" Salah satu di Bab Winnie-The-Pooh.
- Kenny Loggins wrote the song " House at Pooh Corner ", which was originally recorded by the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band [ 26 ] . Kenny Loggins wrote the song "House at Pooh Corner", yang pada awalnya direkam oleh Nitty tabah Dirt Band [26]. Loggins later rewrote the song as " Return to Pooh Corner ", featuring on the album of the same name in 1991. Loggins nanti rewrote lagu seperti "Kembali ke Pooh Corner", yang pada album dengan nama yang sama pada tahun 1991.
- In the film The Salton Sea , Vincent D'Onofrio 's character "Pooh-Bear" is so named because his methamphetamine abuse led to the loss of his nose, reminiscent of Winnie-the-Pooh's habit of getting his nose stuck in the honey jar. Dalam film The Salton Sea, Vincent D'Onofrio 's karakter "Pooh-Bear" sangat bernama karena dia methamphetamine penyalahgunaan menyebabkan hilangnya itu hidung, mengingatkan dari Winnie the Pooh dari kebiasaan beliau mendapatkan hidung terjebak di madu jar.
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